Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Working Towards Minimalism

Lately i've been into reading about the concept of "minimalist living", which is basically trying to cut down on all of the "things" that we accumulate in life. For those people who know me personally they know that in no way am I living minimally. I have tons of stuff and I love having my stuff! I like having options for what jewelry i'm going to wear, or which clutch i'm going to use for a night out. Lately i've just realized that maybe I don't need quite as much as I have. It's possible to have lots of options without having an overwhelming amount of clutter.

A goal of mine is to work my way towards a slightly more minimal lifestyle. My goal is to have a collection items that I truly love and enjoy wearing or using. I don't want to put a specific number on the amount of items I can have. I just want to make sure that the things I own are getting the attention and love they deserve.

I feel like my project pans are one way that I am working towards this. Focusing on certain products and using them up is really showing me what type of beauty products I like and what I don't. I'm also realizing how long it takes me to use something and seeing that maybe I don't really need 3 different foundations open at one time {whoops}. I've also avoided going to the mall whenever I feel bored. I've noticed that when I spend time aimlessly wandering throughout shops i'm more likely to purchase things that I don't need and usually don't end up wearing enough.

The blogger who really peaked my interest on this subject was Caroline of Un-Fancy. She started her blog in 2014 when she created a capsule wardrobe to help control her shopping habits. Her capsule wardrobe included only 37 seasonal pieces, and she used her blog to journal her way through the year.

She no longer follows the strict rules of a capsule wardrobe, but she still keeps her closet to a reasonable size and truly embraces the idea of "minimalist living".

I've also recently discovered Anuschka of Into Mind and am really enjoying her site. She posts a lot about how to work towards a smaller wardrobe that is perfect for your personal needs. Can't wait to read more from her!


  1. I did a minimalism challenge in August where I did a certain task every day related to minimalism. Then in February I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, so I decluttered a lot then. I like that I have only things I love now or absolutely need. There is no right number for everyone, like you said. I like thinking harder about purchases as well. Good luck!

    1. I have never heard of a minimalism challenge before! That is a super exciting way for me to dig a little deeper into this. I also have had the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up on my reading list for so long! As soon as my spring term is done I plan on getting myself a copy. Thank you for the great comment and feedback!

  2. I'm also getting more interested in minimalism! Just finished Everything That Remains by The Minimalists. SO good that I read it in less than 24 hours! Highly recommend.

    I think baby steps and taking things slowly is key to making the transition to minimalism. Good luck on your journey!

    1. That book has just made it on my reading list!

      I agree that taking things slowly is the key. It seems to daunting to take it all on at once.

      Thank you for your kind words!
