Friday, October 28, 2016

Bedroom Tour

Back in August I officially moved into my first apartment! It was such an exciting thing for me because not only do I consider that to be a milestone, but I had no furniture which meant I was starting from scratch. This meant I got to go on my first trip to Ikea {which was amazing...} and pick out bedroom furniture that i will love for years to come! Even though it's been about two months everything is just starting to get put into its proper place. Last year I had so much fun taking pictures of my bedroom to share with you all so I thought it would be fun to do it again this year. 

If you've ever been on my Pinterest and seen my home decor boards you would know that I love the clean look of a white or gray bedroom. That's why when I first started looking for bedroom furniture I knew that I wanted it all to be white. It adds a very relaxing feel to the room and makes everything look so sleek.  

My bed is hands down my favorite part of my room. Not only do the comforter and bed frame look adorable but the mattress is hands down the most comfortable thing i've ever slept on. Chances are if i'm home you can find me relaxing in my bed watching Netflix or working on blog posts and homework. The comforter is a focal point in the room since everything else is very neutral. It's a Tommy Hilfiger set that I got at Marshal's last year so i've linked a similar option if you like it!

Bed Frame // Comforter {Similar} // Elephant Pillow {Similar} // Fur Rug // Wall Mirrors  
Golden K {Similar} // Pumpkin {from the Target dollar section} // Lamp {Similar}

 If i'm not in my bed you'll find me sitting at my desk. I've wanted a hutch over my desk for a few years now so i'm so thrilled that I was able to get one that matches seamlessly with my desk. This is where I get some of my school work done {I do the majority of it at the library}. I never used to do any work at my desks because the chairs would always hurt my back after an hour or two but this chair is so comfy that I have no problems with sore backs while i'm studying.

It was kind of hard to get a good picture of my dresser because of the window right there, but I did the best I could. Next to my dresser I have my gallery wall and little makeup area where I get ready every morning. I was so excited to put up my mini gallery wall because i've been wanting one for a while but was never able to put nails into my walls before {good old dorm living}. 

Dresser {Similar}  // Jewelry Box {Similar} // Bracelet Holder // Earring Holder // Candle 

 Lastly I have my closet! I tend to keep the doors open because I love seeing all of my clothes neatly organized. I added some old string lights I had around the top to brighten things up a bit. I use pull out storage bins to hold my smaller accessories {like belts, headbands, and running gear} and all of my workout clothes. I love organizing my closet, it's always the first thing I go to when i'm cleaning my room. My favorite way to keep my clothes organized is to group them by sleeve length and then color coordinate them. It sounds like a tedious task but it makes getting ready in the morning a breeze!

I hope you enjoyed this look into my room at school! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wishful Wednesday: Distressed Denim

Denim is such a classic piece that i'm always looking for new ways to make it fun and a little different. That's where the trend of distressed denim comes into play. Now i've been a fan of distressed jeans for a few months now but i'm also loving the distressed denim jackets that i've been seeing all over Pinterest and Instagram. With fall {and winter} quickly approaching I think these pieces are perfect for pairing with cozy knits and riding boots.

Vigoss Distressed Skinny Jeans

For this weeks Wishful Wednesday post I did something a little new. I feel like I repeat myself so much under each picture that I decided to skip over the explanation for each picture and simply link the item. I'd love to get some feedback on whether you liked this format better or preferred when there was an explanation underneath each picture detailing why I love it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

My Everyday Brow Routine

I was recently introduced to this article on Into the Gloss about how to fill in your brows. Over the past year it seems like brows have become such an important part of everyone makeup routine. I know that I personally love filling in my eyebrows because I feel like doing so really helps frame my face. On minimal makeup days I typically apply bronzer, mascara, fill in my eyebrows and then i'm done!

Today I thought it might be fun to share with you my own eyebrow routine. It's quite simple and I use a lot of drugstore products so I am excited to show you what I do to get my brows ready for the day.

My collection of brow products has grown quite a bit over the year. While i've gone through multiple brow pencils the one that I am using {and loving} at the moment is the ELF pencil. It's a great color match and the pencil is creamy enough that it is easy to use. I've also been loving the ELF eyebrow kit for quite some time {you can see through the packaging that i've made quite a dent in it}. To set my brows i'll either use the clear NYX Control Freak gel or the Essence Make Me Brow. I just recently picked up the Essence gel and am hoping it is a good dupe for the Benefit Gimme Brow.

Step 1: Brush The Brows
The first step I always do is to brush my brows. Doing this helps get all of the hairs in the right place and makes sure that I have the right shape to start filling everything in.

Step 2: Fill Your Brows In
Next I fill everything in! I alternate between using a pencil and using a wax. Lately i've been leaning towards the pencil because I think it gives me a bit more of a natural look. I start towards the middle of my brow and do the tail end first. This is where I apply the product the darkest, as I move towards the head of the brow I make my strokes lighter to give things a natural look. I've noticed that applying too much pressure at the head of the brow makes things look a little harsh for my everyday look.

Step 3: Set Your Brows With A Gel
Once I get everything looking the way I want it too I brush through the brows one last time to help blend and soften the color. Then I choose my brow gel for the day and use a few upward strokes to help set everything in place.

While I am not highly skilled at makeup by any means I feel like I have found a brow routine that works well for me. It took a lot of trial and error to get where I am but I find myself pleased with the end results.

What are your tips for doing your brows?

Thursday, October 13, 2016

September Recap and October Blogging Goals

Happy October! I feel like I say this every month but I can't believe how fast September went by. It was a slow month as far as blogging went {again} but I am finally starting to get adjusted. It took me a lot longer than I anticipated to get settled into my new schedule but now i'm ready to get back to blogging. I have a few fun posts in the works that I can't wait to share with all of you!

September Goals
Instagram: Reach 200 followers
Use Instagram Story at least twice
Twitter: Reach 270 followers
Facebook: Reach 110 likes
Pinterest: Reach 500 followers
Reach 4,000 pins on Pinterest
Page Views {for the month} 400

My September goals went a lot better than my August ones! I'm not going to lie when I was writing last months recap I was super upset with how little progress I had made. I know that life gets in the way but it was just frustrating to see. That's why I am even more excited that I was able to reach almost all of my goals for the month of September.

This months high once again involves social media followers. You guys... somehow I gained over 50 Instagram followers in a day and over 250 Pinterest followers throughout the month! Watching my social media channels grow this month was a definite high. I can't wait to watch the numbers continue to grow.

My low for the month is that I had a lot of posts scheduled out that I wasn't able to post when I wanted too. I would write something out and then struggle with taking pictures for the post. I've noticed that is where I have the most trouble, writing it out is not a problem but I never seem to take pictures that i'm proud of {i'm thinking of investing in a better camera, let me know if you have any recommendations!}.

October Goals
Instagram:Reach 250 followers
Post to Instagram at 7 times
Twitter:Reach 300 followers
Facebook: Reach 110 likes
Pinterest: Reach 600 followers
Reach 5,200 pins on Pinterest
Page Views {for the month} 400
Post at least 4 blog posts this month
Create and upload a header

While most of my goals for the month focus on social media I added a few more miscellaneous goals that I would like to accomplish. I've been wanting to spruce up my blog design for a long time so i'm hoping that this month I can make a few changes to get the process started.

What are your goals for the month? Don't forget to check out the other lovely bloggers in this collab to see what they hope to accomplish for the month of October!
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