Sunday, November 13, 2016

October Recap and November Blogging Goals

Happy November! Can you believe yet another month has passed by? Once again i'm excited to share with you a recap of my October goals as well as the goals I have set for the month of November. I love being a part of this link up created by Angela and Jazmine because it is the perfect way to hold myself accountable while encouraging other bloggers to reach their goals! Now let's get onto how October went and what I'm hoping to accomplish for the month of November.

October Goals
Instagram: Reach 250 followers
Post to Instagram at least 7 times
Twitter: Reach 300 followers
Facebook: Reach 110 likes
Pinterest: Reach 600 followers
Reach 5,200 pins on Pinterest
Page Views {for the month} 400
Post at least 4 blog posts this month
Create and upload a header {I created the header I want but haven't been able to hook up my computer to my printer/scanner yet to scan it...}

I'd say that October was a pretty successful month! My highs for the month were finally being able to focus on my blog a bit more. While i'm still not able to spend the amount of time that I would like to, with school and cross country I did as well as I could have. Getting 4 posts up for the month was a good starting point so this month i'm hoping to continue or expand on that number. Another high was once again with Pinterest! I'm not sure how but I gained over 500 new followers this month. It was pretty exciting to watch the number grow!

My lows for the month were still the number of page views I received. I realized that I need to stop focusing on this because right now i'm not posting a lot of content which is a major reason why i'm not getting the number of visitors that I would like. In the end I need to realize that this number doesn't matter, I blog because I love it!

November Goals:
Instagram: Reach 250 followers
Comment on 20 Instagram photos
Twitter: Reach 330 followers
Participate in at least 1 Twitter chat
Page Views {for the month}: 250
Post at least 4 times to the blog

For my November goals I focused a bit more on being active in the blogging community. I want to make sure I spend time commenting on others Instagram photos and also participate in a Twitter chat. I would love to create some friendships with other bloggers and figure this is the best way to start that! I also decided to take Pinterest off of my goals because I finally have a handle on that platform and am happy with where I am.

What are your goals for the month? Don't forget to check out the other lovely bloggers in this collab to see what they hope to accomplish for the month of October!


  1. Love your intentions! I definitely need to focus more on some of the social media side of things---maybe you can send some tips my way once you crush your goals! :)

    1. Thank you! I feel like I am the one in need of tips haha! Goodluck on all of your goals as well!(:

  2. Great goals! I have found that hashtags are seriously the way to go when you're trying to build a following. Have you tried an app like Tag O Matic? You can put in a tag you want to use and it suggests tags others have used with that tag.

    1. I've never heard of that! Thank you so much for the suggestion, I will absolutely check that out!

  3. Good for you on your October goals!! I can't wait to see your new header!!
    For my page views I started using stumbleupon this month and have seen a interesting increase. It's been an interesting experiment and a good one so far!!
    I love your goals for November! What twitter chat are you going to participate in? I have yet to do one (haha and I want to host one... gah I should participate first and then host)

    1. Thank you Angela!! I have a stumbleupon but feel like I don't fully understand how to utilize it. Any tips?

      I participated in the Blogging College collab! It was so fun, the Gal Pal Girl Gang chat is another great one! You would be SUCH a good host! I would 100% participate in whatever one you did!

    2. I found this post helpful

      but really I just installed the app on my phone and when I'm bored I thumbs up things or thumbs down things. When I'm blogging I added my link to stumble threads. I don't think I've been doing it long enough to see if it's worth my time yet.

      And thank you! I am hoping we can get one up and running soon!
