Wednesday, September 14, 2016

August Recap and September Blogging Goals

August Goals
Instagram: Reach 200 followers
Twitter: Reach 260 followers
Facebook: Reach 110 likes
Pinterest: Reach 220 followers
Reach 3,600 pins on Pinterest
Page Views {for the month} 520
Post twice a week to the blog
Practice taking more flat lays

Let me start out by saying I did not do too well on my August goals. I started the month off pretty well but as soon as I headed back to school for the beginning of my cross country season things went downhill. Between class and practice some of my days are close to 14 hours which means I really have to work on my time management! This blog has become something that I really love and I can't see myself giving it up.

This months high was seeing my Pinterest grow! Even though I didn't reach my overall pin goal (less than 100 short!) I still grew my followers for the month by 76! That is such a large number for me and when I saw it I couldn't have been more thrilled.

My low for this month is fairly obvious, blogging was put on the back burner a good portion of the month which means I didn't reach a lot of my goals. The most disappointing one was probably not posting twice a week to the blog. I've been wanting to get a set blogging schedule going and need to just commit to one.

September Goals
Instagram: 200 followers
Use Instagram Story at least twice
Twitter: Reach 270 followers
Facebook: Reach 110 likes
Pinterest: Reach 500 followers
Reach 4,000 pins
Page Views {for the month} 400

Some of my goals for this month are a little lower or about the same as last month. Overall I just want to keep working on In An Organized Fashion at my own pace. It will be an adjustment with the crazy schedule I have this trimester but I am up for the challenge! Don't forget to check out the other wonderful bloggers in the collaboration below!

What are your goals for the month?
Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. It's fine if you didn't meet most of your goals for august, you can always work on those goals this month. It honestly was the same for me. Once school started, i really started slacking with my blog. How are you growing you pinterest following? Are you using an app?
    I tried to check if i was following you on twitter and instagram but the icons under your picture do not work. Maybe there's something wrong with them?

    1. Hi Yvanne,
      It is honestly a lot harder to balance blogging with school than I thought it would be! I was able to do it last year but i'm in my senior year so I have a lot of really challenging courses. I have been using BoardBooster to help schedule posts but i'm honestly not sure how i'm growing so quickly on Pinterest!
      Thank you for telling me about my icons not working! I looked into it and they have all been fixed (:

  2. Oh I'm so sorry you didn't reach all your goals for August. 14 hour days are insane though so it makes sense that the blog would take the back burner for a bit while you adjust! Hopefully September will be a fabulous month of growth for you!!

    1. Hi Angela,
      It was really disappointing and I didn't want to post it, but I knew that it would provide me the motivation I needed to make September a little bit better!

  3. I really like the fact that you have goals for all your social media. I think it's great to know what you want when it comes to followers on social media. Good luck!

    1. Hi Faith,
      Thank you for the kind words! I like to focus on how I can grow on the various platforms because I notice that sometimes I forget about my blog accounts versus my personal ones.

  4. 14 hour days! Yikes! Totally understand that though. Throughout the summer I was working crazy hours. Now it's been slower for me - but with house renovations I haven't had time once I'm home.

    I think it's wise to lesson your goals for this month (at least until you get the swing of things) ... you don't want to stress yourself out by not reaching those goals when you don't have the time.

    Time management is key for blogging. I still struggle. Lol. Good luck with it!!

    Also check out your Twitter link in your social media. I think the link is broken...

    Again, good luck with everything! Ps. Flat lays are AWESOME!!

    1. Isn't it crazy sometimes?!

      Thank you for the advice, I always thought I had good time management but taking an extra class has messed with it a bit! Also thank you again for letting me know about the twitter link! I looked into it and it has all been fixed (:
